Minister word
I am pleased to welcome all visitors and surfers to the website of the Ministry of Labour, through which we seek to provide information and services to our customers with ease and convenience. We are keen to upgrade our website and to have it serve as the approved portal to help follow up on the latest developments, news and events of the ministry, and to review all our projects and programs, in order to obtain online services through the available links without delay, as well as to respond to questions received from citizens, residents, workers and employers. We hope that the ministry’s website will become a channel for interactive communication with all segments of society from all governorates of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
With the new website theme, the Ministry seeks to provide information and eServices to its web users with ease and efficient use, and to serve as an approved reference to follow up on the latest developments, news and activities of the Ministry,
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- Reporting labor law violations related to failure to follow occupational safety and health requirements in workers’ housing or work sites
- The service of registering and addressing labor complaines for workers in private sector
- Notifing ministry of labour about the cases of workforce reduction due to the total or partial clousure of establishment
- awareness service with Labor law in the field of rights and obligations of both production parties and the protection from work environment risks
- Occupational Disease Reporting
- Notifing ministry of labour about the cases of work stoppages
- Occupational Accident Reporting
- applications for accreditation of the examining bodies to carry out the inspection of lifting equipment, boilers, air recievers and high-pressure vessels
- Request for Labor Consultation
- Approval of basic regulation for the organization of work and disciplinary regulations
- settlement of individul dispute
- Formation of a trade union
- Trade Union Record Follow
- Collective Complaint
- Union consultation
- Approval of requests for full-time union work and issuance of bank letters
- Spreading legal awareness of labor laws and trade unions
- (Collective Complaint) Request for Negotiation to Settle a Collective Labor Dispute
- Register new job seekers and update data
- Nomination and Employment Record
- Attendance and appointment recor for job seekers
- Electronic Employment fair
- Service of issuing a statement of employment for people with disabilities
- Job seeker profile status inquiry
- Grievances and inquiries
- Register and update employees' personal data
Facts & Figures
توظيف 27,147 مواطناً، خلال الفترة ما بين يناير حتى نهاية ديسمبر 2024
Training of 19,859 citizens January - 31 December 2024